Design Story
Agency Strategic Plan
Treasury's five-year Strategic Plan, which covers the entire 88,000-person agency, was not a useful tool for its 88,000 civil servants. We re-designed everything about the Plan--including the strategic objectives it defined, the communications plan, and the printed report--to put its audience first. The award-winning "workbook" approach reached many more people and helped the entire agency.
You can see the finished plan here.
Treasury Strategic Plan 2018-2022
The Goal
Transform the Strategic Plan into a tool that met the needs of Treasury's people to learn about the strategic goals of the organization, to make the connection between themselves and the broader organization, and make decisions that aligned to the organization's overall strategy. Design thinking was used throughout the process to make the results be much more useful and engaging than previous plans.
As part of the planning process, the Core Team conducted dozens of interviews across many disciplines and a comprehensive environmental scan of Treasury's environment. The resulting SWOT analysis was incorporated into the plan and their feedback played a critical role in developing goals and strategic objectives. The Plan, the communications plan, and supporting materials all went through several rounds of feedback, often significantly changing based on stakeholder input.
Strategic Plan "Core Team" members
Print Procurement Team
Treasury Digital Team
My Roles
Core Team member
Experience designer
Communications and launch strategy
Visual designer